Call for posters

As part of the symposium entitled ‘Theories and Interaction(s) of Justice in the Face of Environmental Challenges’, to be held in Paris on 12 and 13 June, the organising committee is inviting young researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows to submit posters. 

This call for posters aims to supplement the analyses that will be featured at the symposium by other research works. In line with the interdisciplinary approach of the symposium, the call is open to all scientific fields that can shed relevant light on the issues raised by the conference. 

Young researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows are invited to submit poster proposals relating to the themes of the conference: 

  • Histories, approaches, concepts and methodologies of the different meanings of justice (national or foreign dimension)

  • Access to goods and services: access to energy, access to food, the right to a healthy environment, the One Health approach and shared health, etc.

  • Inequalities in exposure to environmental risks, food risks (safe and healthy food), climate risks, disruption of electricity supply, etc.

  • Vulnerability to the consequences and effects of public policies and measures to mitigate and adapt to environmental challenges (economic, social, financial).

  • Access to justice and litigation on inequalities, including reflections on the powers of judges to remedy inequalities/injustices.

For more details on these issues and themes, please refer to the call for papers published in December 2024 here

Tips for creating posters: 

Posters are a visual medium for presenting research work in progress. Their aim is to present a subject concisely and clearly, using visual communication tools. They highlight the salient points of the research. 

The poster should include the following elements : 

  • Name and surname 

  • Professional e-mail address

  • A title, and any subtitles

  • Texts and visual elements presenting the context, research questions and hypotheses, methodology and results in relation to the conference themes

  • Any sources of funding for your research 

  • The logos of the institutions to which you belong (institution and laboratory)

Practical advice: 

  • Use high-resolution illustrations 

  • Use short, evocative titles 

  • Make sure all the elements are legible

Additional information: 

The posters will be displayed in A0 format during the onsite symposium at the CNRS in Paris. They will be printed by the conference organisers. A digital publication of the posters will be planned after the conference. 

Submission procedure: 

Poster proposals will be evaluated and selected by the scientific committee of the conference. 

Posters may be written in French or English. 

Deadline for submissions: March 31

Poster proposals should be sent in pdf format to : 

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